How to Become a Health Coach

Written by Beatrice Walker / August 27, 2021

Are you the person that your friends and family consistently go to for advice? Do you have a passion for health and wellness? Do you have a calling to heal and help raise the collective consciousness? Have you been considering starting your own business and aren’t sure where to start?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then becoming a health coach might be the kind of career that’s right for you! In this blog post I’ll share what a health coach is, how I started on my own journey to becoming a health coach, and how you can start yours!


My Journey to IIN

Ever since I was younger I had a strong desire to help people. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do or be, I just knew I wanted to help people in some way. Every year as I got older this wish to have a fulfilling career where I could help people followed me everywhere I went. In 2018 I was working in NYC at a stressful job in media, ironically at a wellness publication. I was unhappy, tired, overworked, and feeling incredibly unfulfilled.

While working for this wellness company I met and worked with many different people in the wellness industry including, dietitians, fitness instructors, and health coaches. I had never heard of a health coach before and I was very intrigued to learn more. One of my co-workers happened to be enrolled in The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and told me all about the program. After doing a bit more research on my own I decided to take a leap of faith and enroll in the program. After only a few months of participating in the program I could see the positive effects it was having on my personal life. I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do with my certification once I was finished, but I did finally feel some relief knowing that I was heading in the right direction towards fulfilling my dream. Turns out I would be walking on that path much sooner than I originally thought.

Just a year later after starting my new position I was unexpectedly laid, and truth be told I was devastated. But after some serious self reflecting I realized that everything happens for a reason, and there really is such a thing as divine timing. There was a reason I had enrolled in IIN the time I did, and it was clearly the universe telling me that it was time to move forward with my new goal in mind which was to become a health coach and start my own health coaching business.

What is a Health Coach?

I get asked this question all the time which is understandable because a health coach is a relatively newer type of career. Health coaching developed out of the need for better, more sustainable, and preventative health care which is unfortunately severely lacking in the United States.

I like to describe a health coach as someone who is in between the doctor and the patient. A doctor prescribes and diagnoses, and you typically only see them about once a year (if that). Physicians also don’t really have the time for hand holding, and spending consistent one on one time with their patients. When you leave the doctors office you’re sent off with a summary packet of your visit, and a reminder to make your next appointment for the following year.

So what is someone to do when they are told by their doctor that they need to lose x amount of weight, or lower their blood pressure, or that they have dangerously high cholesterol? And we all know where those packets usually end up going (the recycling bin). This is where a health coach steps in. Health coaches work with you individually to help you figure out what works for you. They take a holistic and bio-individual approach which means they take into consideration that everyone is different. What might work for one person may not work for another and vice-versa.

Health coaches can work in a variety of different areas in wellness based on their specialities and areas of expertise. Using a holistic method towards coaching means considering many different aspects that can have an impact on someone’s overall health. These factors can include nutrition, physical exercise, relationships, career, social life, and many more. Health coaches create programs tailored specifically for their clients based on their health related goals, and work with them on a personal and consistent basis to help them achieve those goals.

How to Begin Your Journey as a Health Coach

IIN offers a comprehensive program that is the equivalent to 40 college level credits. You can choose to participate in the full year program or the accelerated 6-month program. You can check out the free sample class below to get an idea of what the program will entail!


What’s Included in the Program?

  • Key nutrition concepts, dietary theories, and the latest in nutrition science

  • Business-building skills to successfully start and maintain your coaching business

  • Foundational coaching skills that you will refine through coaching demonstrations.

  • Access to lectures from incredible speakers such as Deepak Chopra, Gabby Bernstein, Sahara Rose, and Dr. Andrew Weil.


Apply Below!

I truly believe in IIN’s program and mission, and I know that the world will only benefit by having more health coaches. If you would like to be a part of this amazing movement that is quite literally changing the face of what we knew as health care, you can apply today for the upcoming program enrollment below. If you mention my name at the time you apply, you can receive up to $2,000 off of tuition if you choose to pay in full and $1,500 off if you choose a payment plan.

I chose to take a leap of faith to walk in my purpose, and follow the path that the universe created for me, and I have zero regrets. If you are looking for a life change and also want to help to change others lives, make the leap today, I promise you won’t regret it! If you’re ready to start your Health Coaching journey (or just learn more about IIN’s program), fill out the application or call 877-733-1520

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